On the 21st of September 2023, the ICAI Stroke lab was officially opened. This event brought the PhD students, Principal investigators, and other stakeholders together, who celebrated this milestone with speeches, cake, and group pictures. The opening of the ICAI Stroke lab marks the beginning of the PhD trajectories of five young researchers.
In the ICAI Stroke lab collaboration is key. The five researchers will be pooling their expertise and knowledge to devise AI-driven methods to improve stroke care along the journey of stroke patients.
Each of the 5 PhD's will focus on a specific part of the patient journey.
A press release about the opening of the ICAI Stroke lab can be found here: https://amazingerasmusmc.nl/biomedisch/van-112-tot-revalidatie-nieuw-lab-gaat-beroertezorg-verbeteren-met-ai/
Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the ICAI Stroke Lab! Our website and social media channels will serve as your gateway to the latest updates on the lab’s progress.